Video Sermons

Video sermons are TV live broadcast sermons each Sunday at 5:00 p.m. on Unity Broadcasting Netwrok, channel 15 in Pontotoc, MS.  Click on the following link to view and hear: bethanypbsermons on

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The live stream sermon below is from the Pastor’s Facebook page preached on Sunday Dec. 20, 2020 entitled “Great Joy” regarding birth of Jesus. The angel heralded the birth of Jesus to the shepherds of “great joy” because to them was born a Savior, Christ the Lord. It is great joy to the born again people of God but not to those such as Herod who attempted to slay Jesus or those to whom Stephen preached at his death. Blessed are the people who know the joyful sound of the gospel. In believing in the birth death and resurrection of Jesus fills the hearts of the people of God with great joy. In this they have an assurance of their sonship. One day there will be everlasting joy in the very presence of Jesus in heaven.

The live stream sermon below is from the Pastor’s Facebook page preached on Sunday Dec. 13, 2020 entitled “Seeing Jesus” from Heb. 2:9. Paul said we “see” Jesus made a little lower than the angels. Jesus did this to suffer death and save His people from their sins. To see Jesus high and lifted up, we must see ourselves as poor sinners. Isaiah saw the glory of the Lord high and lifted up and himself as a man of unclean lips. The message came back his iniquity had been purged. Simeon held Jesus a forty days old and his eyes had “seen thy salvation.” The disciple were glad when they saw the Lord after His resurrection. Thomas was glad also 8 days later in believing. Zacchaeus desired to see Jesus and climbed a sycamore tree to see His salvation. Job said he would see him in his flesh. John said we would see Him as He is one sweet day.

The live stream sermon below is from the Pastor’s Facebook page preached on Sunday Dec. 6, 2020 entitled “What Are We Looking At”? Are we enjoying an exceeding weight of eternal glory in our light affliction by looking to the eternal unseen things rather than the visible temporal things. Moses endured seeing Him who is invisible by faith and so did Paul. KIng Jehosophat and Elisha and the three Hebrew children looked past the visible trouble they faced to the One who is able to deliver. Peter began to sink when he took his eyes off Jesus as he walked on the water; we too will do the same when we have eyes focused elsewhere.

The live stream sermon below is from the Pastor’s Facebook page preached on Sunday Sept. 27, 2020 entitled “Faithfulness of God.” God is faithful in His promises and gives grace to bear up during trials. We lose the feeling of hope when we fail to remember He is faithful. We may need to undergo chastening by God because of disobedience but He is faithful to never utterly take away His lovingkindness. He is faithful also to preserve us body, soul and spirit unto the day of Jesus Christ:

The live stream sermon below is from the Pastor’s Facebook page preached on Sept. 20, 2020 entitle “The Presence of God”. The presence of God is a blessing when we do right but sometimes it brings condemnation when we do wrong. We cannot flee from the presence of the Lord as David and Jonah found out. Glory and honor are in His presence and strength and gladness are in His place. Click on the link below to view:


The life-stream sermon below is from the Pastor’s Facebook page preached on Sunday May 3, 2020 entitled “Filled with the Spirit.” We all need to be filled with the Spirit rather than the flesh and other worldly appetites. Jesus was filled with the Spirit and anointed to preach the gospel. They were filled with the Holy Ghost on the Day of Pentecost and on other occasions in the book of acts. John the Baptist was filled with the Holy Ghost from his mother’s womb prophesies before hand. Pray for the Holy Spirit to come but in the right frame of mind etc.

The live-stream sermon following is from the Pastor’s Facebook page on Sunday April 26 on “Sons of God”. We are sons of God by adoption and predestinated thereof according to the will of God. Jesus was sent tor redeem the sons from sins so that the sons would receive the adoption of sons. Because we are sons, God sends His Spirit into our hearts and we receive the Spirit of adoption. Led by the Spirit proves we are sons of God. We receive by faith Jesus as born again creatures and manifest being sons of God. Finally we are waiting for the final manifestation of the sons of God in the resurrection.

The live-stream sermon below was on the Pastor’s Facebook page on Sunday April 19 on “Strength and Weakness”. Isaiah said to strengthen the weak hands and confirm the feeble knees. We tap the strength residing inside in the person of Christ by faith to be strong in his grace and might.

The live-stream on Facebook sermon below was preached on Easter Sunday April 12, 2020 on “Consider the Risen Christ” when we are weary and faint in our minds. He endured such contradiction of sinners against himself. This consideration will help us to not give up when we grow weary and faint-hearted.